Our aspiration to contribute to sustainable development comes from our role as a leading financial institution in Georgia’s development. While pursuing our aspirations, we guide our activities in line with international sustainability standards and principles, making them a part of the strategy, culture and day-to-day operations of our company.

In 2021, we took further steps to enhance the Group’s environmental, social and governance (ESG) framework through the development of an ESG strategy. The ESG Strategy reaffirms our commitment to make a long-term, sustainable contribution to the country and the region. The ESG Strategy defines several key areas for the coming years: a strong ESG governance structure at the Board and executive level; a focus on sustainable financing, services and products; employee diversity, equality and inclusion; green and sustainable funding; and a system and approach for impact measurement and reporting.

Various initiatives and programmes to support our ESG strategy

2021 was a milestone year in the establishment of the ESG governance structure, which spans different organizational levels. Two ESG-related committees were established – one at the board level, another at the executive management level. The ESG Coordination Department was established in TBC Bank to support and coordinate initiatives defined by the ESG strategy. TBC Bank initiated an ESG Ambassadors programme, which aims to strengthen environmental, social and governance structures and increase the involvement of TBC employees as focal points for these areas. Through this initiative, TBC employees will contribute to the quality of sustainability for customers, company, the environment and society as a whole.

In order to expand our focus on diversity, gender and inclusion issues, we have developed a Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Policy (available at www.tbcbankgroup.com), which sets targets and establishes a methodology to advance diversity, equality and inclusion, integrating its approach into the Group’s operations and management processes and focusing on diverse areas including gender, multicultural, multigenerational and disability backgrounds. Gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls are important dimensions of the sustainability of the company and its stakeholders, including customers, employees, suppliers, partners and society as a whole. The policy takes into account the United Nations Women Empowerment Principles (WEPs) – a set of principles offering guidance to businesses on how to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment in the workplace, marketplace and community. TBC Bank became a signatory of the UN WEPs in 2021.

TBC strives to increase its positive impact on society and the economy through introducing new financial products and services that are designed to deliver a specific social or environmental benefit. The ESG Strategy sets targets for the growth of our total sustainable loan portfolio, including financing energy efficient, renewable energy and resource efficient projects, women-led and women-owned business, startups and rural businesses

Our responsible purchasing practices and relationships with suppliers can have a significant impact on the well-being, financial stability and development of suppliers, as well as on the economy as a whole. We pay special attention to small local suppliers and promote their inclusion in our supply chain. The ESG Strategy sets targets connected to green procurement initiatives, social enterprises, women-owned companies, startups and local business.


Our ESG targets

  • Measure the Group’s indirect performance towards the Paris Agreement targets for reduction of GHG emissions;
  • Target volume of our sustainable loan portfolio - GEL 1.4 billion;
  • Increase female representation in middle managers and agile leaders to 43%;
  • Increase female representation in the ICT, risk and finance segments to 48%;
  • Train 900 employees and 300 retail, MSME and corporate customers through ESG Academy;
  • Net zero GHG emissions (direct);